Web Design

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Combine Web Design & Hosting

Combine Web Design & Hosting

Having an effective website for your business can’t be overlooked.  Your website is meant to be a representation of your business – the way it looks, how it functions, and the how the message is delivered.   You have to think past the design and how “pretty” the...

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Why WordPress?

Why WordPress?

With over 75 Million websites running on WordPress, the platform is by far the most popular content management system (CMS) for personal and business websites.  Not only is it free to install and maintain, but there are thousands of plugins and templates, and it’s...

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What You Need to Redesign Your Website

What You Need to Redesign Your Website

With the New Year quickly approaching, most business owners are eager for a fresh start.  I always think about what can I change and improve upon in the upcoming year that will move my business forward.   A new day, new week, or fresh month, I tend to get the same...

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New Brand and Website Release

In my latest blog post, Rebranding in 7 Steps, I mentioned that I was in the beginning stages of a full LR Design rebrand.   I’m proud to announce that my new brand and website is finally here! After 7 years in business, LR Design & Marketing has an updated logo,...

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